Knowledge Base

Thank you for using the knowledge base.

Part of becoming an independent trader is solving the problems you are capable of solving yourself.  It also give us more time to devote to helping you with the important aspects of becoming a profitable trader.

Fortunately, on the functional issues of setting up Metatrader, PinPoint and Trade-Runner there are not too many problems to deal with.  So, as we address questions in the Trouble Ticket area and list them here, we will hopefully reach a point were most of them are addressed.

Click on the heading below that addresses your issue to expand the information contained below it.

[dropdown_box expand_text=”  Charts or Indicators not working or looking strange.  ” show_more=”    ” show_less=”   ” start=”hide”]

There are several reasons this may be happening.

1. Your License is not in Metatrader.  If you have done a standard install from the recommended broker AxiTrader and correctly installed Trade-Runner your License should be in the directory  ” C:\Program Files\MetaTrader- AxiTrader\experts\files ”  This file “Licence.txt”  was sent to you in your welcome email.  If you are using AxiTrader, the easiest way to check if that is the problem is to

a)  Copy the text in blue above.
b)  Click on your Windows “Start” button.
c)  Click on “Run”
d)  Paste the blue text you have copied into the window that opened up when you pressed Run.
e)  Click “OK”.

This will open the “file” folder where you should find the License file.  If it is not there please locate from the original welcome email you were sent and either drag and drop it into that folder or copy and paste it there.   IMPORTANT  Do not start Metatrader again.  In the absence of the License file your computer will have been blocked from the registration server.  We are notified when this happens and it is usually restored withing 12 to 24 hours of you correcting the problem.

For a more speedy recovery, once you have fixed the problem we recommend send us a message on Skype.  [/dropdown_box]

[dropdown_box expand_text=” Yellow Lines Appearing on My Chart” show_more=”    ” show_less=”   ” start=”hide”]

FXD-Alerter is the culprit:  The default “Number of Pips” setting on FXD-Alerter is “-1” if this is set to and positive number it will draw a horizontal alert line on your chart every time you change time frame.   To eliminate the problem on that chart just click on the reset button then delete any existing yellow lines.

If you have created a template that has a positive number in the FXD-Alerter “Number of Pips” settings then you will also have to take the actions steps below.

The settings for all your indicators (FXD Alert included) are retained in your template to if you make changes that you want on all your charts be sure to set up everything just as you want on one chart then save that chart as a template.

Right click on the chart
Select Template (6th from the top of the list)
Select Save Template (Top of the list)

Find and click on  “PinPoint+Trade-Runner”

Overwrite the existing template.
Then duplicate that template on other charts.

Right click on the chart
Select Template (6th from the top of the list)
Find and click on  “PinPoint+Trade-Runner”


[dropdown_box expand_text=” Difficulty Selecting Tags and Items on Trade-Runner Console ” show_more=”    ” show_less=”   ” start=”hide”]

Show is better than tell on this one  Click here to Download Short Video


[dropdown_box expand_text=” Metatrader screen is not showing when Metatrader is open ” show_more=”    ” show_less=”   ” start=”hide”]

This can occur when you are or have been using multiple monitors. You may be back on a single monitor or still have two monitors. The solution is to hold the Alt key down and press the SpaceBar
